Have had several returns like this one against me, where the returner gets hit, gets held up, then breaks free of the long delayed tackle and goes all the way. We used to have an over-abundance of punt returns for TD, now the punt returns have been dialed down past where they should be, and we have kick returns going the distance every game. This needs a hot fix.
i've seen this happen numerous times now, both for and against me, probably considerably above statistical probability.
I'm curious to find out why this seems to be an issue for some teams and not others.
Do you use overrides for your ST depth chart, or do you let the Ai set it?
it's the tackle and run defense ratings as they work vs. run block and broken tackle. also I would not rule out the effect of fatigue/ weight of player in pounds. Ball carry effect has some effect also. all those have changed recently. a player weight effects all that. how on the kick off I am not sure.
he s got it at a level where it's not game changing .....well at least game in and game out like it was before.